Yvenst Simonis
Intermittent Fasting Consultant
Intermittent fasting is the most potent pathway to losing pounds and losing fat. There are many regimens to utilize in intermittent fasting. I will literally guide you… step-by-step… in utilizing the most efficient tailored intermittent fasting regimen… until YOU lose the pounds and fat that you desire… in the quickest way possible. I guarantee this to you.
With my fasting regimens, I will require you to only consume water and grounded flaxseeds. Why water? It is imperative that you stay properly hydrated for proper cellular perfusion. What is cellular perfusion? Cellular perfusion refers to making sure that the cells in your body receive the proper amount of blood to function correctly. Why flaxseeds? (1) Flaxseeds will alleviate the urge to prematurely break a fast… and (2) flaxseeds contain a fatty acid called Omega-3… which is also essential in encouraging the cellular perfusion I mentioned earlier.
Consuming flaxseeds does not break a fast. Why? It does not contain a significant amount of “food” to stop the effects of any fasting regimen. The flaxseeds only serve to alleviate urges/cravings and encourage cellular perfusion. Flaxseeds also have an enormous amount of other awesome health benefits.
I do not require you to exercise… however… I do encourage it. The power is losing pounds and fat is in the FASTING. Exercise merely serves as a bonus… and you can do any exercise you choose… so long as you stay consistently hydrated with water.
I utilize the following fasting regimens:
16 hour fast
24 hour fast
36 hour fast
48 hour fast
72 hour fast
96 hour fast
All fasting regimens under 16 hours only serve to progress you to a 16 hour fast. The 16 hour fast is the bare minimum fast needed to achieve a desirable pounds and fat loss.
Intermittent fasting is not intended to diagnose or treat any medical condition. It is for informational or educational purposes only. Always consult with your primary physician.